Endurance Crackers with a Sweet Twist

Get in my belly!

Get in my belly!

Now, don’t turn your nose up at this. I promised you something healthy, and I’m delivering! Here is a very easy recipe that is incredibly good for you and unspeakably addicting. The hardest thing you will have to do is go to the grocery (or natural foods) store and buy the four types of seeds. No gluten, no nuts. You will eat it and you will like it, damn it!

Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, and chia seeds

Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, and chia seeds

If you have never heard of Endurance Crackers, you absolutely must try them. Here is a link to Oh She Glows, where you’ll find Angela’s wonderful recipe. You will be amazed at how much flavor these savory little crackers have. I literally have to try to hide them from myself, because I can’t stop at one or two. Or three or four.

Here's what an Endurance Cracker looks like when it isn't being gussied up with chocolate!

Here’s what an Endurance Cracker looks like when it isn’t being gussied up with chocolate!

I discovered this recipe when I read the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and was inspired to write an article about chia for Yummy Northwest. If you’re curious about the health benefits of chia, or just want to try my yummy apple chia muffin recipe, here’s a link to the column: Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia

For fun, I adapted the recipe for Endurance Crackers, removing the garlic and onions and adding a dark chocolate layer. I added just a little extra kosher salt, too, for more contrast between the seeds and the chocolate, and love the results! Then, because I JUST.CAN’T.STOP,  I added raisins. Oh, yum!

When a craving for “something sweet – no, something salty – no, something sweet” comes along, grab a couple of these. Eating them will feel sinful, but they are actually very good for you. We’ve all heard the hype about dark chocolate and how it’s full of antioxidants, right? The experts all agree dark chocolate is healthful, but can’t agree on how MUCH is good for you, so they hedge by recommending an ounce a day. This recipe uses 5 ounces of chocolate, so if you eat a few crackers as a snack, it’s well within the chocolate “limit.”

That pretty much makes me blow coffee out my nose; “chocolate” and “limit” shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence! What? Oh, fine – you busted me…substitute “wine” for “coffee.” Nitpickers.

The original recipe calls for parchment. My crackers always stick to it, even if I grease it first. Maybe I just own inferior parchment (a distinct possibility) but I find it easier to lightly grease a cookie sheet instead, and skip the parchment. And rather than cutting the crackers after the first 30 minute baking time, I tried to keep it all in one big piece to make it easier to “frost” with chocolate. Either way would work.

Here’s my version of Angela’s recipe. Do pop over to her blog, though, and try the original version!

Endurance Crackers with a Sweet Twist
Adapted from "Oh She Glows", Endurance Crackers
  • ½ cup raw sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup raw sesame seeds
  • ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup raw chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 5 ounces dark (at least 70% cocoa) chocolate, finely chopped
  • 1 cup raisins (optional)
  1. Heat oven to 325 F.
  2. Lightly grease a cookie sheet (or use parchment) and set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, stir together the seeds and salt.
  4. Add the water, stirring well.
  5. Press the mixture onto a cookie sheet, using a spatula or (best choice) a damp hand. Aim for a thickness somewhere between ¼-inch and ⅓-inch.
  6. Bake for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from oven. Loosen with a long flat spatula, cover with another greased cookie sheet, and invert. If it doesn't all flip over in one piece, don't worry. The crackers will be broken up eventually!
  8. Bake for another 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and sprinkle evenly with the chopped chocolate. Wait a few minutes and then spread with a flat spatula. Sprinkle with raisins if desired.
  10. When the chocolate has hardened (you may refrigerate it if you wish, to hurry it along) break into pieces and store in an airtight container.


Spreading the mixture on a baking sheet. (Hint: a hand works better than a spatula!)

Spreading the mixture on a baking sheet. (Hint: a hand works better than a spatula!)

If you're using parchment, after 30 minutes you'll flip the seeds over, peel off the paper, and continue to bake.

If you’re using parchment, after 30 minutes you’ll flip the seeds over, peel off the paper, and continue to bake.

Sprinkle chopped chocolate over the hot seeds. I used a scraper, but a paper plate or a bowl works well too!

Sprinkle chopped chocolate over the hot seeds. I used a scraper, but a paper plate or a bowl works well too!

Spread the chocolate as evenly as possible.

Spread the chocolate as evenly as possible. Add raisins if you’d like.

When the chocolate is firm, break the crackers into serving-size pieces. I'll let YOU determine what a serving is!

When the chocolate is firm, break the crackers into serving-size pieces. I’ll let YOU determine what a serving is!

So…you won’t see this often, but I made it through a post without unwrapping a stick of butter or opening a bag of sugar. High five!

13 thoughts on “Endurance Crackers with a Sweet Twist

  1. Pingback: Endurance Crackers | Bring It!

  2. Oh my goodness you were entertaining! I tried the endurance crackers and was really frustrated with my results. I gave them away and dumped the rest. I couldn’t figure out what it was that turned me off. I have heard all the hype and was really bummed that I didn’t love them like everyone else. Then I read your post. Onions and garlic are what I need to remove! And of course add the chocolate 🙂
    Thanks for a great blog!

  3. love your idea… you cant go wrong with chocolate. I made them with the onions (used dried onions), garlic and I added dried cranberries…. lots of sea salt on top… now I will have to try the chocolate ones… I am addicted to these crackers…mmmmm the original with garlic/onions with hummus OMG…..healthy and de-lish.. Now I am thinking the Chocolate goodies with mascarpone cheese…

    • I love the original too…absolutely can’t stop eating them. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to! Marscarpone sounds like a good option. Hmmmm.

  4. The endurance crackers are my favourites ..I have been making them for a long time, thanks for the chocolate suggestion! I will definetly try it. I also make a sweet version of the crackers adding dates, maple syrup and come cocnut oil (or butter)to all the seeds mentioned plus some almond meal and almonds and pecans .

  5. First time reading your blog, you are hilarious . . . you’ve got a new follower. I love the Endurance Crackers so much that I made them as my Christmas Cookies last year. The idea of adding chocolate and raisins has me soooo-oooo excited, giddy even! I’m going to wow my friends and family with this great recipe this holiday season. Thanks and Happy Holidays.

    • That’s the nicest comment ever! The regular Endurance Crackers are still my favorite. Something about the flavors are irresistible to me. But the chocolate/raisin addition is perfect for Christmas…gussies ’em up a notch. Happy Holidays to you too, Patty!

  6. I would like a sweet version that calls for maybe honey? I just mage the garlic onions ones for the 1st time and love them… But the hubby wanted a sweet version… Any suggestions on a sweet version using honey?

    • Hmmmm….I’ll have to give that a try, Ashley. Sounds good to me too. Next time I get to town I’ll pick up the seeds and give it a whirl. Thanks for the suggestion! Lorinda

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